Also I don’t know where you are getting your mods from but some tools I would recommend you acquire before you get to deep into modding. That being said, CBBE is FAR more in-depth and wider ranging than UNP allowing for even greater customization and optimization, and the texture blender is a god send to CBBE users, there is a UNP version but it doesn’t always work.

There are only two Major body types if you want armor package choices, CBBE which is a completely new body package and UNP which is actually based off the vanilla body and that is also why UNP has more armor packs, face packages, and in general is more heavily supported because it is far easier to create mods of UNP as it is just a alteration of Skyrims already installed meshes and textures, Also almost all of the other body mods (Adec, Seven base bombshell, UNP7C etc are UNP biased). Let me know in comments! First off, Welcome to TES (The Elder Scrolls) Couple of things if your just getting started as I noticed the post was made in September of this year.