PART AND ASSEMBLY MODELING USING Fusion 360. STUDENTS’ INDUSTRIAL TRIP TO TAX AUTHORITY – MUSCAT. Journey, Opportunities and Challenges Seminar, Engineering department. Engineering Department student’s visit to Oman Petroleum & Energy Show, Muscat. Congratulations to the Winners for securing Third Prize at SITREX-2022. Congratulations to the Winners for securing FiRST Prize at TechFest-2022. Smart Automation System using Internet of Things (IoT), Workshop conducted on 11th March 2022. Computer Assembling, Disassembling and Basic Networking workshop, 8th March 2022. Engineering Department organized a Lab visit for Umm Al-Fadl School for Basic Education. BSD Holds 8th Entrepreneurial Exhibition 2022. Engineering Society Students conducted Robotics Workshop for Al-Jawahar school students. Career Conversation and Advise with Schlumberger, 6th April 2022. Guest Lecture - Sales Process and Salesforce Tasks.
CLOUD COMPUTING AND BUSINESS – LE FUTUR. Another Batch of Microsoft Exam Passers. IT Department conducted a Workshop on: Advance LATEX Coding. “Server Administration using Oracle Virtual Box“, by Dr. IT Department conducts a hands-on session on. BSD EJADA Support Team delivers EJADA Awareness Seminar.
Engineering Department Meeting, Tuesday 17-05-2022.SME Forum on Innovative HR Practices of SMEs in the Sultanate of Oman.Engineering Department Organized a Webinar on “Degradation of Composite Materials (FRPs)”."IoT application in Agriculture: Smart Irrigation System using Spectral Clustering Method" Information Technology Department hosted a Webinar on May 24, 2022, titled.BSD Accounting Section invites ACCA Learning Partner Expert.Webinar on “Intelligent IoT Solutions for Smart Automation System”."Introduction to Python” - Applications in Math IT Department conducts a workshop for its Maths Section on.Spanning Tree and Dijkstra's Algorithm with applications in IT, Business and Engineering IT Department conducts a Webinar for the UTAS staff on.